It’s a fact: Listening to the #mashedpotatotime thanksgiving special while you cook will...
It’s a fact: Listening to the #mashedpotatotime thanksgiving special while you cook will make everything taste 100x better. Cue it up &...

Mashed Potato Time 2021 Thanksgiving Special: November 25, 2021
Joe Haywood - "Play a Cornbread Song for Me and My Baby" (1967) Sam & Dave - "I Thank You" (1968) Joy Unlimited - "Soul Gravy" (1972)...

Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio: November 11, 2021
Thelma Houston - "Baby Mine" (1966) Joe & Mack - "The Prettiest Girl" (1965) Earl Van Dyke - "Gonna Give Her All The Love I've Got"...

The Sparkles, The Vibes, The Color, The Royal Flairs…
The Sparkles, The Vibes, The Color, The Royal Flairs… just a sampling of the goodness on a typical #mashedpotatotime ✨😎🌈👑 Hear ‘em all...