Spoooky Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio
Jackie Morningstar - "Rockin' In The Graveyard" (1959) The Drivers - "Dry Bones Twist" (1962) Betty Harris - "I'm Evil Tonight" (1967)...
The witching hour is nigh...
The witching hour is nigh... Tune in to an especially ghoulish #mashedpotatotime on @lumpenradio today 12-2p central !👻🦇...
Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio: October 18, 2018
The Eggheads - "(Why Don't You Stop) Foolin' Around" (1964) Willie Egan - "Wear Your Black Dress" (1956) The C.O.D.'s - "Pretty Baby"...
It’s #mashedpotatotime all week!
It’s #mashedpotatotime all week! The grooves start tonight at @mariasbar 9pm, then 10/18 on @lumpenradio at noon, and Sun 10/21 at...
Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio: October 4, 2018
Willie Mabon - "Just Got Some" (1965) Captain Groovy And His Bubblegum Army - "Bubblegum March or (Blowing Bubbles Through Rose Colored...
Taking this cutie out for a spin...
Taking this cutie out for a spin for a special #mashedpotatotime 45 set at @covetmarkets today! Hear me provide the tunes as you shop...
Mashed Potato Time: 1968 Edition, on Lumpen Radio
Billy Clark & The Maskman - "Soul Party, Pt. 1" (1968) Margie Hendrix - "Don't Destroy Me" (1968) The Capitols - "Afro Twist" (1968)...
The #1968 edition of #mashedpotatotime
The #1968 edition of #mashedpotatotime starts now on @lumpenradio ! As part of @coprosperitysphere #1968+50 series 🗣...
When even the policemen who walk by are grinning...
When even the policemen who walk by are grinning ear to ear, you know you’re spinning some truly feel-good jams. Just another...
Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio: August 30, 2018
Johnny "Scat" Brown - "Mama Rock" (1958) Hank Marr - "The "Out "Crowd" (1966) Annie Philippe - "Baby Love" (1965) Jimmy Ruffin - "Heart"...