Mashed Potato Time 2019 Halloween Special
Jack & Jim - "Midnight Monsters Hop" (1959) The Marauders - "Nightmare" (1965) The Meters - "Rigor Mortis" (1969) Betty LaVette -...
Spoooky Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio
Jackie Morningstar - "Rockin' In The Graveyard" (1959) The Drivers - "Dry Bones Twist" (1962) Betty Harris - "I'm Evil Tonight" (1967)...
The witching hour is nigh...
The witching hour is nigh... Tune in to an especially ghoulish #mashedpotatotime on @lumpenradio today 12-2p central !👻🦇...
Monster Mashed Potato Time on Lumpen Radio
Larry & The Blue Notes - "Night Of The Phantom" (1965) The One Way Streets - "Jack The Ripper" (1967) Jackson 5 - "The Boogie Man" (1973)...
Halloween week is...
Halloween week is: curating ghoulish tunes (for tomorrow's #mashedpotatotime on @lumpenradio) and crafting costume props (for our live...